About Us

The founders of Share in My Day strongly believe that families are missing out on special moments in their children’s lives. To resolve this dilemma, we’re inspired by our love for our own children and therefore motivated to develop a system, allowing families to share in their children’s activities each and every day.

View and enjoy watching your children throughout the day via our secure service. Developed specifically for use in the childcare industry, Share in My Day’s streaming video provides families with the opportunity to securely view their children online.

Share in My Day recognizes that there are many moments in time; whether at family events, sports games, or other milestones in business and personal life that are very important, yet often missed due to circumstances. Simply put, people need access, with their own tools, to capture those moments and stay connected to family, friends, and other loved ones. Share in My Day will continue to look ahead at the diverse ways to deliver these moments to you, in a comfortable, secure and rewarding fashion.

Share in My Day stands for honoring the moments in your life and the lives of your loved ones. We are committed to providing our services with exemplary trust, integrity and responsibility as our foundation. We will demonstrate quality and consistency in any of our endeavors. As we

We believe in security. It is at the core of what we do. Read on to gain a specific understanding of what we do at Share In My Day to ensure a safe environment for your children.
Security is always on your mind when dealing with the Internet. When coupled with children, society’s most cherished members, the apprehension only grows. Share In My Day empathizes with this concern and has taken every step necessary to ensure the highest level of security throughout our process.
Share In My Day is constantly updating our technology to stay on the cutting edge of streaming video technology. We employ SSL (secure socket layers) encryption at 128 – 156 bits. All personally identifiable information is stored digitally within a locked facility. The Share In My Day servers are located in a completely secure, professionally monitored hosting facility. We work with SingleHop Hosting to ensure the highest availability and security.
Before installing any equipment in a child care center a complete security assessment is preformed. Recommendations are provided to the centers to ensure the video equipment cannot be tampered with or reprogrammed. All video streams are hosted off site to ensure identity security in the event of a breach.
Before viewing any video on the Share In My Day website, users must go through a rigorous authorization process that involves our staff contacting the intended center to verify the subscriber's identity. The streaming video area is completely locked-down to prevent any user from capturing an image from the site. Using Flash video technology, we guarantee no files can be accessed outside of our system.